BACL Rapidplay Format

At the AGM of the Bury Area Chess League it was agreed that due to dwindling support, we should investigate whether certain alternative formats for the Rapidplay event would be more popular amongst BACL club members. To that end, a survey has been designed to assess the likely impact of any change of format.
Please complete the survey online here:

You don’t need to supply any personal details, and it should only take a few minutes to complete. Even if you have no interest in Rapidplay chess or any of the proposed formats, that’s a response the league would like to receive and there are appropriate options for you to select.

Steve Lovell

Steve is the Communications Officer for the Bury St Edmunds Chess Club. He is also the Internet Officer for the Bury Area Chess League and the Suffolk County Chess Association. Since 2015, Steve has been the organiser of the Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress. Outside of chess, if there is such a thing, Steve works in IT at Greene King.

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