Club Championship Results

Click on the headings to see the results for each year.

For rules and dates of play see the relevant blog entry here.

1Jermy, Jaden178b10+w5+b8+w7+w3=5944189
2Lewis, Stephen165bye=w9=b4=w13+b8+4668167
3Quader, Zia142bye=w13+b5+w8=b1=4692173
4Ruthen, Stephen W173w6=b8-w2=b10+b7+35780156
5Balogh, Jan167w11+b1-w3-bye+b9+34574144
6Lovell, Steve135b4=w10+b7-w9=b11+35699140
7Watkins, Alan152bye=b12+w6+b1-w4-4598150
8Jones, Robert L145b14+w4+w1-b3=w2-5763153
9Harvey, Adam119bye=b2=w11=b6=w5-24503126
10Smith, Hugo105w1-b6-w14+w4-b13+25505101
11Carter, Matt100b5-w14+b9=w12=w6-25499100
12Lepley, Rob95bye=w7-b13-b11=w14+2430677
13Hart, Greg61bye=b3-w12+b2-w10-429875
14Wiles, Kevin60w8-b11-b10-bye=b12-½419549



A = Player's score

B = Number of graded games played

C = Total grading points

D = Grading performance

Board White  Result Black  
110Smith, Hugo105 0 - 11Jermy, Jaden178 
23Balogh, Jan167 1 - 011Carter, Matt100 
314Wiles, Kevin60 0 - 16Jones, Robert L145 
42Ruthen, Stephen W173 ½ - ½8Lovell, Steve135 
4Lewis, Stephen165 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
5Watkins, Alan152 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
7Quader, Zia142 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
9Harvey, Adam119 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
12Lepley, Rob95 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
13Hart, Greg61 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
Board White  Result Black  
11Jermy, Jaden178[1]1 - 03Balogh, Jan167[1]
26Jones, Robert L145[1]1 - 02Ruthen, Stephen W173[½]*
34Lewis, Stephen165[½]½ - ½9Harvey, Adam119[½]
412Lepley, Rob95[½]0 - 15Watkins, Alan152[½]
57Quader, Zia142[½]1 - 013Hart, Greg61[½]
68Lovell, Steve135[½]*1 - 010Smith, Hugo105[0]
711Carter, Matt100[0]1 - 014Wiles, Kevin60[0]

Note: The pairing for round 2 was partly based on provisional results from round 1, as not all those games had been completed. Affected scores are marked with an asterisk (*).

Board White  Result Black  
16Jones, Robert L145[2]0 - 11Jermy, Jaden178[2]
25Watkins, Alan152[1½]1 - 08Lovell, Steve135[1½]
33Balogh, Jan167[1]0 - 17Quader, Zia142[1½]
42Ruthen, Stephen W173[½]½ - ½4Lewis, Stephen165[1]
59Harvey, Adam119[1]½ - ½11Carter, Matt100[1]
613Hart, Greg61[½]1 - 012Lepley, Rob95[½]
710Smith, Hugo105[0]1 - 014Wiles, Kevin60[0]
Board White  Result Black  
11Jermy, Jaden178[3]1 - 05Watkins, Alan152[2½]
27Quader, Zia142[2½]½ - ½6Jones, Robert L145[2]
34Lewis, Stephen165[1½]1 - 013Hart, Greg61[1½]
48Lovell, Steve135[1½]½ - ½9Harvey, Adam119[1½]
511Carter, Matt100[1½]½ - ½12Lepley, Rob95[½]
610Smith, Hugo105[1]0 - 12Ruthen, Stephen W173[1]
73Balogh, Jan167[1]1 - 0 Full-point bye  
814Wiles, Kevin60[0]½ - 0 Half-point bye  
Board White  Result Black  
11Jermy, Jaden178[4]½ - ½7Quader, Zia142[3]
26Jones, Robert L145[2½]0 - 14Lewis, Stephen165[2½]
35Watkins, Alan152[2½]0 - 12Ruthen, Stephen W173[2]
49Harvey, Adam119[2]0 - 13Balogh, Jan167[2]
511Carter, Matt100[2]0 - 18Lovell, Steve135[2]
613Hart, Greg61[1½]0 - 110Smith, Hugo105[1]
712Lepley, Rob95[1]1 - 014Wiles, Kevin60[½]

For rules and dates of play see the relevant blog entry here.

1Jermy, Jaden158b10+w9+b4+w3+b5+55983197
2Ruthen, Stephen W175b5+w8=b3=w6=b10+5862172
3Lewis, Stephen165w13+b6+w2=b1-b8+5884177
4Collins, Jonathan L159bye=b12+w1-w9+b6+4658165
5Jones, Robert L146w2-b11+b9+w10+w1-35740148
6Martinez, Rene M136b7+w3-b8+b2=w4-5771154
7Hart, Greg62w6-b13+w10-bye=w11+438496
8Quader, Zia180bye=b2=w6-b12+w3-24570143
9Lovell, Steve145w11+b1-w5-b4-w12+25623125
10Smith, Hugo95w1-bye+b7+b5-w2-2436792
11Dickinson, Richard85b9-w5-w12=bye+b7F426366
12Kosviner, Emile101bye=w4-b11=w8-b9F1435890
13Harvey, Adam135b3-w7-   0216080



A = Player's score

B = Number of graded games played

C = Total grading points

D = Grading performance


Board White  Result Black  
16Jones, Robert L146 0 - 12Ruthen, Stephen W175 
23Lewis, Stephen165 1 - 09Harvey, Adam135 
311Smith, Hugo95 0 - 15Jermy, Jaden158 
47Lovell, Steve145 1 - 012Dickinson, Richard85 
513Hart, Greg62 0 - 18Martinez, Rene M136 
10Kosviner, Emile101 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
4Collins, Jonathan L159 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
1Quader, Zia180 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
Board White  Result Black  
12Ruthen, Stephen W175[1]½ - ½1Quader, Zia180[½]
28Martinez, Rene M136[1]0 - 13Lewis, Stephen165[1]
35Jermy, Jaden158[1]1 - 07Lovell, Steve145[1]
412Dickinson, Richard85[0]0 - 16Jones, Robert L146[0]
59Harvey, Adam135[0]0 - 113Hart, Greg62[0]
610Kosviner, Emile101[½]0 - 14Collins, Jonathan L159[½]
11Smith, Hugo95[0]1 - 0 Full-point bye  

Additional game(s)

Board White  Result Black  
7Shepherd-Rose, Chris970 - 1 Smith, Hugo95 
Board White  Result Black  
13Lewis, Stephen165[2]½ - ½2Ruthen, Stephen W175[1½]
24Collins, Jonathan L159[1½]0 - 15Jermy, Jaden158[2]
37Lovell, Steve145[1]0 - 16Jones, Robert L146[1]
41Quader, Zia180[1]0 - 18Martinez, Rene M136[1]
513Hart, Greg62[1]0 - 111Smith, Hugo95[1]
612Dickinson, Richard85[0]½ - ½10Kosviner, Emile101[½]

Note: The pairing for round 3 was partly based on predicted results from round 2, as not all those games had been completed.

Board White  Result Black  
15Jermy, Jaden158[3]1 - 03Lewis, Stephen165[2½]
22Ruthen, Stephen W175[2]½ - ½8Martinez, Rene M136[2]
36Jones, Robert L146[2]1 - 011Smith, Hugo95[2]
44Collins, Jonathan L159[1½]1 - 07Lovell, Steve145[1]
510Kosviner, Emile101[1]0 - 11Quader, Zia180[1]
12Dickinson, Richard85[½]1 - 0    
13Hart, Greg62[1]½ - 0    

Additional game(s)

Board White  Result Black  
6Balogh, Jan1551 - 0 Quader, Zia180 
Board White  Result Black  
16Jones, Robert L146[3]0 - 15Jermy, Jaden158[4]
28Martinez, Rene M136[2½]0 - 14Collins, Jonathan L159[2½]
311Smith, Hugo95[2]0 - 12Ruthen, Stephen W175[2½]
41Quader, Zia180[2]0 - 13Lewis, Stephen165[2½]
513Hart, Greg62[1½]1 - 0F12Dickinson, Richard85[1½]
67Lovell, Steve145[1]1 - 0F10Kosviner, Emile101[1]

Note: The results on boards 5 and 6 show that the white players won by default ("F" standing for "forfeit").

For rules and dates of play see the relevant blog entry here.

1Jermy, Jaden123w2+b3+w6+bye=b5+4813203
2Ruthen, Stephen W169b1-bye=w7+b6+w3+4646162
3Lovell, Steve145b8+w1-b5+w4+b2-35749150
4Harvey, Adam140w9+w5=bye=b3-b8+34557139
5Collins, Jonathan L162w10+b4=w3-b8+w1-5652130
6Jones, Robert L143bye=w7+b1-w2-b10+4508127
7Myhill, Richard113bye=b6-b2-w10=b9+24417104
8Ramsey, Sean70w3-bye+b9+w5-w4-2429073
9Hart, Greg60b4-b10+w8-bye+w7-2426867
10Smith, Hugo98b5-w9-bye+b7=w6-429975



A = Player's score

B = Number of graded games played

C = Total grading points

D = Grading performance


Board White  Result Black  
16Jermy, Jaden123 1 - 01Ruthen, Stephen W168 
22Collins, Jonathan L162 1 - 08Smith, Hugo98 
39Ramsey, Sean70 0 - 13Lovell, Steve148 
45Harvey, Adam140 1 - 010Hart, Greg60 
57Myhill, Richard113 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
64Jones, Robert L143 ½ - 0 Half-point bye  
Board White  Result Black  
15Harvey, Adam140[1]½ - ½2Collins, Jonathan L162[1]
23Lovell, Steve148[1]0 - 16Jermy, Jaden123[1]
34Jones, Robert L143[½]1 - 07Myhill, Richard113[½]
48Smith, Hugo98[0]0 - 110Hart, Greg60[0]
51Ruthen, Stephen W168[0]½ - 0 Half-ppint bye  
69Ramsey, Sean70[0]1 - 0 Full-point bye  

Additional game(s)

Board White  Result Black  
711Wood, David290 - 19Ramsey, Sean70 
Board White  Result Black  
16Jermy, Jaden123[2]1 - 04Jones, Robert L143[1½]
22Collins, Jonathan L162[1½]0 - 13Lovell, Steve148[1]
310Hart, Greg60[1]0 - 19Ramsey, Sean70[1]
41Ruthen, Stephen W168[½]1 - 07Myhill, Richard113[½]
55Harvey, Adam140[1½]½ - 0 Half-point bye  
68Smith, Hugo98[0]1 - 0 Full-point bye  

Additional game(s)

Board White  Result Black  
711Dickinson, Richard970 - 19Smith, Hugo98 
Board White  Result Black  
13Lovell, Steve145[2]1 - 05Harvey, Adam140[2]
29Ramsey, Sean70[2]0 - 12Collins, Jonathan L162[1½]
34Jones, Robert L143[1½]0 - 11Ruthen, Stephen W168[1½]
47Myhill, Richard113[½]½ - ½8Smith, Hugo98[1]
56Jermy, Jaden123[3]½ - 0 Half-point bye  
610Hart, Greg60[1]1 - 0 Full-point bye  
Board White  Result Black  
12Collins, Jonathan L162[2½]0 - 16Jermy, Jaden123[3½]
21Ruthen, Stephen W169[2½]1 - 03Lovell, Steve145[3]
39Ramsey, Sean70[2]0 - 15Harvey, Adam140[2]
410Hart, Greg60[2]0 - 17Myhill, Richard113[1]
58Smith, Hugo98[1½]0 - 14Jones, Robert L143[1½]