Puzzles Evening (Part 1)

Since we had our puzzles evening on Thursday (9th May), I thought I’d put the puzzles online too. Just two in each post. The answers are included below, but in white. If you highlight the relevant area with your mouse, you’ll be able to see the answers.

Puzzle #1: White to move

Highlight below for the answer

1. Qg5 g6 (not Qxg5 since Rxe8 is mate)
2. Qh6 gxf5
3. Rg4+ fxg4
4. Bxh7+ Kh8
5. Bg6+ Kg8
6. Qh7+ Kf8
7. Qxf7#


Puzzle #2: White to move

Highlight below for the answer

1. Rb7 Qb1 (if Rxb7 then e8=Q followed by Qe2#)
2. Rxb1 Nxb1
3. g4+ (if f6 then Kg6) Kxg4
4. f6

White is a rook behind, but his pawns are unstoppable.

Steve Lovell

Steve is the Communications Officer for the Bury St Edmunds Chess Club. He is also the Internet Officer for the Bury Area Chess League and the Suffolk County Chess Association. Since 2015, Steve has been the organiser of the Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress. Outside of chess, if there is such a thing, Steve works in IT at Greene King.

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