Summer News
There are a few updates to the Summer Programme, including confirmation of dates and venues for the league AGMs, and the addition of an extra week to our calendar of events.
The extra week is next week, Thursday 4th June, and accommodates the final of the Norfolk and Suffolk Cup, where we once again take on the best of Norfolk: the Broadland club. Why not come along to watch and (quietly) encourage our club’s strongest players? There’ll also be casual chess available so you can dip in and out of the main event.
Recent events saw Zac Vane pick up the grading prize in the BACL Rapidplay event, scoring four wins from the six rounds. Well done Zac!
Unfortunately the event has not been well supported in the last few years and it’s future will be reviewed at the upcoming BACL AGM. If you have any suggestions please bring them to our own AGM on 11 June. Indeed, if you have any thoughts about the running of our club or of either of the chess leagues please come to the club AGM ready to share them.
Last night we played our Chess960 (Fischer Random) event. An enjoyable evening completely free of standard chess opening theory! After the completion of the available four rounds Bob Jones, Zac Vane and Steve Lovell were all tied on three points. Bob was declared the winner on tie-break.